Join Walt Disney Animation Studios’ chief creative officer Jennifer Lee, Kugali filmmakers Ziki Nelson, Hamid Ibrahim, and Tolu Olowofoyeku, WDAS VFX Supervisor Marlon West and Head of Story Natalie Nourigat.
They will present a sneak peek at their first-of-its-kind collaboration, animated series Iwájú.
Session followed by a live Q&A.
Join Carrie Liao, Story Artist at Walt Disney Animation Studios, as she shares her experience in storytelling on Raya and the Last Dragon.
A pre-recorded discussion with Carrie about her experience in storytelling on Raya and the Last Dragon, followed by a live Q&A session.
Session in English
Join three Walt Disney Animation Studios' artists and their artistic recruiters for a coffee chat and Q&A.
Hear about their career journeys, how they approached creating their reels and portfolios, and ultimately, what stood out about their work to hiring leaders when they applied for their roles.
You'll meet current and past Trainees as well as pro artists, and hear insights from the Walt Disney recruitment team.